Tag Archives: apple ipad

Nokia : Nokia Working on iPad Rival: Analyst

Nokia : Over the past year or so, the once nascent tablet market seems to have exploded with entrants. While most tablets of the yester years were either phones with tablet functionalities or a modified laptop, it was in 2009 that the idea of a dedicated Internet tablet started taking shape. By the start of 2009, these devices became reality. …

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Apple iPad : Come leggere un file in formato PDF sul Tablet iPad

Apple iPad : Il nuovo Apple iPad appena messo in commercio ed ecco apparire i primi problemi. Mettiamo di voler leggere sull’iPad un file nel famoso formato PDF (Acrobat) … voi direte ..niente di pi? facile trasferisco il file sulla memoria dell’iPad e viaaa lo edito e lo leggo!! No non ? proprio cos? semplice! Infatti l’Apple iPad non pu? …

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