Nokia Symbian Belle Hack : Ecco la guida per l’Hacking dello smartphone Symbian

A quelche giorno dalla peresentazione ufficiale l’aggiornamento di Symbian, Symbian Belle ? gi? stato violato e la procedura per effettuare l’hack della nuova versione del sistema operativo ? gi? disponibile in rete.

L’hacking di Symbian Belle sar? possibile effettaurlo sui seguenti smartphone Nokia: N8, C7, C6-01, E7, E6, X7, 603, 700 e 701

La procedura per effettuare l’hack di Symbian Belle ? estremamente veloce e si riassume in pochi passaggi che qui di seguito andremo ad elencare. Come sempre ricordiamo che la procedure dell’hack la eseguirete a vostro rischio e pericolo senza nessuna responsabilit? attribuibile al nostro blog.

Ecco come procedere

1. Download and Install “NortonSymbianHackLDD.sis”
2. Start the app.
3. Go to Options – Anti-Virus – Quarantine list
4. Select each file from the list and restore it (restore each one individually)
5. Exit the application, delete it from App manager (Symantec Symbian Hack) and also delete c:\shared\ folder. Sometimes this folder doesn’t get created.
6. Install “RomPatcherPlus_3.1_LiteVersion.sisx” in phone memory C.
7. Launch and apply patches:
– Open4all for full access to system folders (private,sysmsystem,data, etc.)
– Installserver for installing any unsigned applications
Set patches to auto. (Options – Add to auto)
8. Restart phone
9. The phone is now hacked.

If you have problems with the Install Server follow these instructions.
1.Do steps 1-7 from the first instructions
2.Download the “S^3 Install” attachment
3.Replace “Installserver.exe” from “c:\sys\bin” with the one from the archive.
You can use “X-Plore” (attachment bellow, NOT cracked) or “S^3 file browser” (also attached)
4. Restart phone
5. The phone is now hacked.

*?NortonSymbianHackLDD.sis (693.59 KB – downloaded 312 times.)
*?RomPatcherPlus_3.1_LiteVersion.sisx (193.32 KB – downloaded 249 times.)
*?S^3 Install (73.74 KB – downloaded 394 times.)
*?x-plore_s60_3rd_1_56.sisx (507.63 KB – downloaded 208 times.)
*?s3filebrowser_f2.sis (99.97 KB – downloaded 174 times.)

Il pacchetto dei file qui sopra elencato lo potrete scaricare al seguente indirizzo: Hack Symbian Belle




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