Aggiornamento Nokia Configuration Tool v6.3 : Download e Guida

Nokia Configuration Tool ? stato aggiornato alla v6.3 dai Nokia Beta Labs. Ricordiamo che questo strumento serve per configurare in modo semplice e veloce gli smartphone Nokia Symbian.

Abbiamo gi? parlato del Nokia Configuration Tool gi? qualche mese fa proponendovi una guida illustrata (Guida Nokia Configuration Tool).

Eccovi il link per il download della nuova versione di Nokia Configuration Tool

?Thanks to everyone that participated in the beta trial of Nokia Configuration Tool verison 6.3! This version has now been deployed as the commercial version available through

Nokia Configuration Tool version 6.3 graduates from beta

Nokia Configuration Tool is a Windows PC application which you can use to manage the settings of Symbian phones through a USB cable or Bluetooth. It is primarily designed for system administrators who configure phone profiles within an organization.

With it you can configure various settings like WLAN, email, Internet access points, and VPN on a single phone or several phones at the same time. Files, contact cards, and applications can also be transferred from the phone to the PC and vice versa.?

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