Finalmente Adobe supporter? il sistema operativo Symbian e Meego con il Flash Player 10.1, anche se ancora non si conosce la data del rilascio. Durante la conferenza a Los Angeles Adobe ha confermato il suo impegno per portare il Flash Player 10.1 a su Symbian e Meego.
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Flash Player 10.1
Already one of the top free apps on Android Market, with more than 50,000 users giving it a 4.5-out-of-5 star rating, Flash Player 10.1 brings rich Flash based content to mobile devices inside the browser. The runtime is now certified on close to a dozen Android devices and will become available on dozens more over the coming weeks and months. Adobe also announced that Flash Player 10.1 was downloaded more than 2 million times from Android Market. In addition to Android Market, the runtime is distributed directly by device manufacturers and operators via pre-installs and operating system upgrades. Flash Player 10.1 is available on Android and Google TV today, with BlackBerry platform, HP webOS 2.0, future versions of Windows? Phone, LiMo, MeeGo, and Symbian OS also expected to support Flash Player 10.1.