TouchCopy permette di copiare musica, playlist, podcast e video dall’ iPod o dall’iPhone sul computer personale o all’interno di iTunes. Il software pu? essere usato per eseguire un backup di tutti i contenuti multimediali presenti sui dispositivi di casa Apple, in modo da poterli ripristinare in caso di problemi. ? possibile trasferire anche le informazioni relative al punteggio dato ai file, alle immagini associate agli album ed al numero di volte che ? stato ascoltato quel brano. Il programma ? semplice da utilizzare e dispone di un’interfaccia utente intuitiva. Tra le principali caratteristiche dell’applicazione:
- trasferimento file multimediali dai lettori ad iTunes;
- creazione backup dei dati;
- copia delle foto e dei giochi;
- copia e gestione delle note, della rubrica e del calendario;
- ricerca dei brani;
- riproduzione video ed audio;
- utilizzo dell’iPhone o dell’iPod Touch come periferiche di archiviazioni esterne.
All is well in the products Apple, but there is a wrong – gadgets such as iPod or iPhone can work only with the iTunes and limit our devices that could be used more functionally. TouchCopy – allowing the program to turn your favorite iPod or iPhone in the standard “flash” without any interference in its firmware and not causing him harm. Install, run – nothing complex. First, you will see its media library, which, by the way, can be copied in iTunes, make a backup, listen, and even edit the tags. To move to use iPod or iPhone as a flash, you must click on the button Files right now actually create folders, move files from / to iPod or iPhone, you can also copy the entire folder with the company entirely with an attachment and subfolders, etc.
With TouchCopy you can…
# Copy iPod music, playlists, podcasts and video to your PC. Backup your iPod music and video in a couple of mouse clicks.
# iPod to iTunes transfer of music, playlists and videos. Also transfers your Album Art, Ratings, Play Count and other song data.
# iPod Backup of all your Music, Movies and Playlists at the touch of a button. Backup to your PC or iTunes.
# Copy Photos. View and save Photos on your iPod to your computer. View and copy photos taken on your iPhone.*
# Copy Games from your iPod back into your iTunes library.*
# Copy and manage Notes, Contacts and Calendars on your iPod – all from within TouchCopy.*
# Search for music on your iPod . The search results can be saved to your computer or transferred into iTunes as a playlist.
# Play music and video on your iPod through your PC without having iTunes installed. Use TouchCopy to change your music rating.
# Use your iPhone or iPod Touch as an external hard drive. Store any type of data, move your files between your home and office. Use your iPod as a backup device. (iPod Touch and iPhone Only )*