Graphviewer Ver. 1.0.7 – Visualizziamo le funzioni matematiche


Oggi Vi proponiamo un’altra applicazione altrettanto interessante. Per tutti coloro che vogliono avere sempre con se uno strumento affidabile per visualizzare funzioni matematiche, calcolare punti di criticit?, visualizzare derivate, cercare soluzioni di equazioni, questa ? l’applicazione giusta.

Per non alterare la traduzione ho lasciato in lingua inglese le specifiche del programma che, se interessati, potrete scaricare a fine articolo.

L’applicazione ? completamente free quindi potrete installarla senza problemi di acquisto licenza.

Ciao All


* You can enter any mathematical function you want to plot and evaluate
* You can zoom in/out and move the canvas infinitely
* The solutions of an equation can be calculated and shown
* Easy function input with the insert function command (list of commands).
* The first derivate can be shown
* You can calculate the local minima and maxima of the function
* The second derivate can be shown
* You can calculate the function inflection points
* Multiple functions can be plotted in different colors at once
* The intersection points of the different equations are calculated and can be shown
* You can interactively evaluate the functions at their critical points
* You can show a function table with the function coordinates at it’s critical points
(So the null points, minima, maxima, inflection points… are automatically calculated)
* Build-in samples show the possibilities of the functions
* Calculate any function point up to 14 decimals.
* In the settings you can set the internal precision, so you can choose between low precision (fast) or high precision (slow), depending on the speed of your mobile. These settings are saved, so you don’t have to reset it each time.
* You can save your equations and add them to the samples library of the Graph Viewer. These samples are saved persistent, for as long as you want.


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